
Call for entries to the 11th Young Horizons IFF is now open!

fot. Wojciech Chrubasik

The 11th Young Horizons International Film Festival in Poland (with main locations in Warsaw and Wroclaw) will take place from September 28 to October 6, 2024 in cinemas and from 10 October to 27 October, 2024 online.

We are looking for short and full-length films for children aged 4+ up to the teenagers 16+ including animations, live-action, documentaries from around the world.

The films will be screened in both competitive and non-competitive sections and the Festival selection committee will decide on the allocation.

Festival will be accompanied by the 8th international co-production forum Young Horizons Industry. Producers who are looking for partners, including co-producers, are invited to apply for pitching. The call for full-length film and series projects at development and production stage runs until 19 April.

More details at forum’s website.

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