Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton – set

More than a century ago, when the cinema emerged, it was silent. This means there was no dialogue, and the screenings were accompanied by live music. Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton were two of the most famous film stars of the time.

Thanks to the two short films they starred in, you can admire their comedy skills! Behind the Screen tells the story of a helper on a film set with a lazy, ungrateful boss. At his command, he has to do a lot of hard and often pointless chores. In Neighbours, Buster Keaton plays a boy who falls in love with his next-door neighbour. Alas, their parents, who don't like each other, stand in their way. It's a story that resembles that of Romeo and Juliet. Even though Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton are the masters of comedy from long ago, they still can make you burst into laughter today!

Did you know that…

long ago, back when cinema was silent, the presence of a taper, a musician who played a live score to match the film, was irreplaceable at a screening?

Films included

  • Behind the Screen, United States 1916
  • Neighbors, United States 1920


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