In the Forest of Huckybucky

Dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen

reż. Rasmus A. Sivertsen
Norway 2016 / 76’
Polish dubbing

At first glance, the Huckybucky Forest is a cheerful and friendly place. However, not all of its residents seem to behave well towards each other. Can the animals find peace and order in the forest community?

Mice, as well as other tiny forest creatures, live in constant fear of being eaten by bigger predators. Their major enemy is Marvin the Fox, who keeps looking at them hungrily. Claus Climbermouse and Morten Woodmouse decide to introduce a law to the Huckybucky Forest that prohibits eating each other and stealing food. They want all the animals in the forest to live in harmony. However, the animals are soon faced with a new problem. Can they unite to face their new enemy? The musical animation portrays the power of solidarity and cooperation and emphasises the importance of living in agreement with others.

Did you know that…

the film is based on a children's book by Thorbjørn Egner, an award-winning Norwegian playwright, song composer, and illustrator?


Rasmus A. Sivertsen
Karsten Fullu
Janne Karin Hansen, Morten Skallerud
Gaute Storaas, Katzenjammer
Ove Heiborg, Elisabeth Opdal, Eirik Smidesang Slåen
Qvisten Animation
Polski dystrybutor
Agent sprzedaży
Svensk Filmindustri International
Język oryginalny

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