Stinky Dog – set

Stinky Dog may live in a litter bin, look like a mop, and smell like sardines, but he’s never downcast. Full of energy and wagging his tail constantly, the clumsy dog is ready for more adventures.

The fly-favourite Stinky Dog and his faithful feline friend Flatcat are a pair of unusual companions who live together in the streets of Paris. The spontaneous dog often gets them into trouble, but thanks to their cooperation and a bit of luck, they always get away with it. His life is never boring – he works as a night guard and detective, and one day he adopts an extraordinary pet. His adventures are always full of funny turns and twists. The other colourful characters are just as spirited as the two lovable protagonists.

#animals #friendship #sense of humour

Did you know…?

Stinky Dog is an adaptation of a book series of the same title. The four volumes of adventures of this cute clumsy dog written by Colas Gutman and illustrated by Marc Boutavant are perfect stories for every dog lover!


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