The Witch Hunters


reż. Raško Miljković
Serbia 2018 / 86’
dubbing, English subtitles in cinemas

Two friends – shy Jovan and dauntless Milica – decide to find the evil witch who cast a spell on the girl’s father. Will they succeed? What challenge awaits the boy?

In his dreams, Jovan is a superhero, brave and able to fly. In real life, he’s a self-conscious ten-year-old boy who can hardly climb stairs. Jovan has partial cerebral palsy and spends nearly every afternoon at physical therapy. He finds it really hard to accept his circumstances. On top of that, a new rebel girl joins his class. Milica has a different problem: her parents split and her dad is now in a relationship with a witch. Will the two kids be able to overpower her? This is a moving story about the significance of family. The film shows that thanks to the healing power of connection and unconditional acceptance, everyone can become a superhero.

#friendship #imagination #accepting your limits


Raško Miljković

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