Events in Warsaw

Saturday 28 September 2024
Kino Muranów
Still: Kitty Kotty at the Kindergarten – set

Sensory Friendly Screenings

Screening: Kitty Kotty at the Kindergarten – set

Screenings for those who don't like too much noise, have trouble sitting motionless or are visually sensitive and don't feel comfortable in big, dark cinema screening rooms.

Kino Muranów
Still: Kitty Kotty at the Kindergarten – set

Sensory Friendly Screenings

Screening: Kitty Kotty at the Kindergarten – set

Screenings for those who don't like too much noise, have trouble sitting motionless or are visually sensitive and don't feel comfortable in big, dark cinema screening rooms.

Still: Basia. I Can Do This! – set

Q and A with the creators: Zofia Stanecka i Marianna Oklejak

Screening: Basia. I Can Do This! – set

After the screening we invite you to a Q and A with Zofia Stanecka and Marianna Oklejak - authors of the books about Basia.

Kino Muranów
Still: Into the Wonderwoods

Opening Ceremony

Screening: Into the Wonderwoods

The screening will be preceded by the Opening Ceremony which will take about 30 minutes.

Kino Muranów

Festival gadgets – creative workshops

11:00 am –4:30 pm, Kino Muranów


A keychain, a magnet or a necklace? What festival gadget will you create using markers and coloured foil? We invite you to the creative workshop for all children over 4 yo and accompanying adults.

Concept and presentation: Mr Szymon and a team of educators.

Free entry!


Festival totem - creative workshops

12:00 pm–4:30 pm, Kinoteka


Coloured paper, fabrics and festival film characters will become a sculpture through the method of collage. We invite all children over the age of 4 to the creative workshops with accompanying adults.

Concept and presentation: Mr Szymon and the team of educators.

Free entry!



Workshops with 4szpaki

12:15 pm–1 pm, Kinoteka

Szpaczki invite you to workshops in creating natural cosmetics! The workshops will be a great opportunity to dirty your hands and create your own cosmetics from scratch. What's more - all done in the zero waste idea and with respect to the environment. Under the watchful eye of experienced Szpaki, you'll make bath salts and highlighting powder on your own, which you'll then of course take home. Every participant will also cut and label a soap and receive a nice gift and a diploma for attendance. For children over 5 years old.

Be warned! Spots are limited.

Sign up here

Kino Muranów
Still: Even Mice Belong in Heaven

Screening with audiodescription

Screening: Even Mice Belong in Heaven

Screening available to the blind and visually impaired viewers.


Workshops with 4szpaki

1:15 pm–2 pm, Kinoteka

Szpaczki invite you to workshops in creating natural cosmetics! The workshops will be a great opportunity to dirty your hands and create your own cosmetics from scratch. What's more - all done in the zero waste idea and with respect to the environment. Under the watchful eye of experienced Szpaki, you'll make bath salts and highlighting powder on your own, which you'll then of course take home. Every participant will also cut and label a soap and receive a nice gift and a diploma for attendance. For children over 5 years old.

Be warned! Spots are limited.

Sign up here



Workshops with 4szpaki

2:15 pm–3 pm, Kinoteka

Szpaczki invite you to workshops in creating natural cosmetics! The workshops will be a great opportunity to dirty your hands and create your own cosmetics from scratch. What's more - all done in the zero waste idea and with respect to the environment. Under the watchful eye of experienced Szpaki, you'll make bath salts and highlighting powder on your own, which you'll then of course take home. Every participant will also cut and label a soap and receive a nice gift and a diploma for attendance. For children over 5 years old.

Be warned! Spots are limited.

Sign up here


Kino Muranów
Still: Living Large

Q and A with creators: Agata Novinski

Screening: Living Large

After the screening we invite you to a Q and A with the producer Agata Novinski.

Still: Lioness

Q and A with the Diamonds Academy Club players

Screening: Lioness

After the screening we invite you to a Q and A with the Diamonds Academy Club players - Ksenia Konanava, Emilia Michalak i Daria Leśniowska

Moderator – Beata Jewiarz.


Warsztaty z Fenek Studio

2:30 pm–3:30 pm, Kinoteka

We invite you to ceramics workshops which will open the doors to the world of imaginations for all kids! Under the watchful eye of the ceramicists from the Fenek Studio, kids will have the opportunity to create figurines of characters that they come up with. You'll be able to search for inspiration in the short story that will accompany the workshops, specifically created key-words and favourite festival films. The attendees will be using a self-hardening material as well as allready made porcelain elements to create their vision. It is not only great fun but also developing your manual skills and a special hand-made souvenir to take home with you! Workshops for all kids over the age of 6.

Be warned. Spots are limited.

Sign up here



Workshops with 4szpaki

3 pm–4:15 pm, Kinoteka

Szpaczki invite you to workshops in creating natural cosmetics! The workshops will be a great opportunity to dirty your hands and create your own cosmetics from scratch. What's more - all done in the zero waste idea and with respect to the environment. Under the watchful eye of experienced Szpaki, you'll make bath salts and highlighting powder on your own, which you'll then of course take home. Every participant will also cut and label a soap and receive a nice gift and a diploma for attendance. For children over 5 years old.

Be warned! Spots are limited.

Sign up here

Still: Spirited Away

Intro: Karol Szafraniec – author of the Audio/Wizualny podcast

Screening: Spirited Away

Before the screening we invite you to an intro by Karol Szafraniec - film expert, culture expert and author of the Audio/Wizualny podcast.

Kino Muranów
Still: The Colours Within

Intro: Karol Szafraniec – author of the Audio/Wizualny podcast

Screening: The Colours Within

Before the screening we invite you to an intro by Karol Szafraniec - film expert, culture expert and author of the Audio/Wizualny podcast.

Sunday 29 September 2024

Workshops with CEWE

10:00 am–6:00 pm, Kinoteka

Festival souvenir to put on your shelf? It's as simple as that: It takes only 3 steps. 1. Take a picture with your phone. 2. Print it in the CEWE photobooth. 3. Create a hand-made frame for your picture. And you're done! For all children over the age of 4 and accompanying adults.

Free entry!

Kino Muranów
Still: The Drifting Guitar – set

Screening with live music performed by the Projekt Muzyka group

Screening: The Drifting Guitar – set

We invite you to a special screening with live music, arranged and performed by Projekt Muzyka group, a trio of musicians and pedagogues: Aleksandra Kapuścińska, Aleksandra Korpak and Jan Korpak


Family yoga with Kasia Siekierda

Family yoga class is a meeting in the spirit of parental closeness. It's a great opportunity to do something together and learn something from each other. The class is in a form of a game during which we recognize the voice of children's imagination and energy but we also learn asanas (yoga positions). They are also exercises during which we care about the proper body position.

Duration: 45 minutes

For children over the age of 5.

We ask you for punctuality, bringing your own yoga mat and a comfortable attire.

Free entry!


Still: Into the Wonderwoods

Workshops in creating a comic with Piotr Nowacki

Screening: Into the Wonderwoods

After the screening we invite you to workshops in creating a comic with Piotr Nowacki, author of many comic books, Detektyw Miś Zbyś na tropie series, W koronie, Om. Apetyt na przygodę, amongst others.

Be warned! Spots are limited.
Sign up here


How to create a strong password? - family workshops created by Uniwersytet Dzieci Foundation and BLIK

11:00 am–4 pm, Kinoteka

These days on our electronical devices we keep information to which access should be limited. That is why creators of systems and devices make us protect our data with a password which is as strong as possible. What does it mean though? We invite families to a game thank to which they'll understand what's a difference between a strong and a weak password. The activities will be an opportunity for independent play, to draw conclussions and ultimately the rules of safe password creation.

Free entry!

Still: Living Large

Q and A with creators: Agata Novinski

Screening: Living Large

After the screening we invite you to a Q and A with the producer Agata Novinski.

Kino Muranów

Festival totem - creative workshops

11:30 am–5 pm, Kino Muranów


Coloured paper, fabrics and festival film characters will become a sculpture through the method of collage. We invite all children over the age of 4 to the creative workshops with accompanying adults.

Concept and presentation: Mr Szymon and the team of educators.

Free entry!


Festival animation with Norwegian Fjords in the background – creative workshops

11:30 am–3:30 pm, Kinoteka

Cutouts, crayons and markers will help you create characters and props which we'll make move so that they can perform in festival animations. The effect will be shown on the screen! We invite to the creative workshops all children above the age of 4 and accompanying adults.

Concept and showcase: Mr Szymon and educators team

Free entry!

Kino Muranów
Still: Diplodocus

Q and A with director: Wojtek Wawszczyk

Screening: Diplodocus

After the screening we invite to a Q and A with the director Wojtek Wawszczyk.

Still: I love this job – zestaw

Q and A with creators: Kasią Wilk, Ariną Sizovą i Grzegorzem Wacławkiem

Screening: I love this job – zestaw

After the screening we invite you to a Q and A with Kasia Wilk i Arina Sizova (directors) and Grzegorz Wacławek (producer).

Kino Muranów
Still: Molly Monster

Sensory Friendly Screenings

Screening: Molly Monster

Screenings for those who don't like too much noise, have trouble sitting motionless or are visually sensitive and don't feel comfortable in big, dark cinema screening rooms.


Comic workshops with Wojtek Wawszczyk

We invite you to comic workshops with Wojtek Wawszcyzk, the director of Smok Diplodok!

Be warned! Spots are limited.

Sign up here


Kino Muranów
Still: Too Old for Fairy Tales 2

Q and A with creators: Kristoffer Rus, Amelia Fijałkowska, Maciek Karaś and Patryk Siemek

Screening: Too Old for Fairy Tales 2

After the screening we invite you to a Q and A with creators: Kristoffer Rus (film director) and actors: Amelia Fijałkowska (Delfina), Maciek Karaś (Waldek) and Patryk Siemek (Staszek).


Kino Muranów
Still: Your Name

Intro: Karol Szafraniec – author of the Audio/Wizualny podcast

Screening: Your Name

Before the screening we invite you to an intro by Karol Szafraniec - film expert, culture expert and author of the Audio/Wizualny podcast.

Kino Muranów
Still: Julie Keeps Quiet

Intro and discussion: Patrycja Wonatowska – SexedPL expert

Screening: Julie Keeps Quiet

Before the screening intro and after, discussion with Patrycja Wonatowska who is a sexologist, psychologist and SexedPL expert.

Monday 30 September 2024
Kino Muranów
Still: Diplodocus

Q and A with director: Wojtek Wawszczyk

Screening: Diplodocus

After the screening we invite to a Q and A with the director Wojtek Wawszczyk.

Still: Too Old for Fairy Tales 2

Q and A with creators: Kristoffer Rus, Amelia Fijałkowska, Maciek Karaś and Patryk Siemek

Screening: Too Old for Fairy Tales 2

After the screening we invite you to a Q and A with creators: Kristoffer Rus (film director) and actors: Amelia Fijałkowska (Delfina), Maciek Karaś (Waldek) and Patryk Siemek (Staszek).


Tuesday 01 October 2024
Still: Lars is LOL

Q and A with creators: Eirikiem Sæterem Stordahlem

Screening: Lars is LOL

After the screening we invite you for a Q and A with Eirik Sæter Stordahl (screenwriter).

Still: Diplodocus

Intro: What trace do we leave on the Internet – prepared by the Uniwersytet Dzieci Foundationa and BLIK

Screening: Diplodocus

Let's imagine that we - internet users are nearly 70% of all people living on the planet Earth! Thank to internet access we communicate with each other at any given time, we search for new information by choosing between an infinite number of resources. Are we then all cought in a Web? What does it mean for us? Can we be anonymous online? What trace dow e leave behind on the Internet? We'll think about the answers to these questions during our meeting! We'll invite to a code-cracking game through which you will learn how to safey browse the Internet to protect your data and care about privacy.

Kino Muranów
Still: Living Large

Intro and discussion: Agata Ziemnicka, Cześć Ciało expert

Screening: Living Large

Przed seansem wstęp, a po seansie dyskusja z Agatą Ziemnicką, dietetyczką i psycholożką, ekspertką projektu edukacyjnego Cześć Ciało.


Intro before the screening and a discussion with Agata Ziemnicka, dietitian, psychologist, Cześć Ciało educational project expert after.

Still: School of Magical Animals 3

Intro: What trace do we leave on the Internet – prepared by the Uniwersytet Dzieci Foundationa and BLIK

Screening: School of Magical Animals 3

Let's imagine that we - internet users are nearly 70% of all people living on the planet Earth! Thank to internet access we communicate with each other at any given time, we search for new information by choosing between an infinite number of resources. Are we then all cought in a Web? What does it mean for us? Can we be anonymous online? What trace dow e leave behind on the Internet? We'll think about the answers to these questions during our meeting! We'll invite to a code-cracking game through which you will learn how to safey browse the Internet to protect your data and care about privacy.

Still: Reksio – set

Q and A with a creator: Agata Romaniuk

Screening: Reksio – set

Watch the cartoons with Reksio found by Kocia Szajka and listen to detective secrets. Agata Romaniuk, the author of Kocia Szajka i tajemnica zaginionych bajek will tell you all about it. Partner of the Q and A is Agora dla dzieci publishing house.

Still: New Horizons: Julie Keeps Quiet

Discussion with Newsweek Psychologia Nastolatka: Joanna Flis

Screening: New Horizons: Julie Keeps Quiet

After the screening discussion with Joanna Flis, Newsweek Psychologia expert, psychologist, pedagogue, therapist, Madame Monday podcast author and an author of books: Współuzależnieni, Co ze mną nie tak? oraz Madame Monday – po dorosłemu.

Meeting moderator: Iwona Zabielska, Newsweek Psychologia editor-in-chief.

Wednesday 02 October 2024
Kino Muranów
Still: Into the Wonderwoods

Intro: Piotr Nowacki

Screening: Into the Wonderwoods

Before the screening intro by Piotr Nowacki, comic book author and a fan. Wrote Detektyw Miś Zbyś na tropie series, W koronie, Om. Apetyt na przygodę amongst others.

Still: Diplodocus

Intro: What trace do we leave on the Internet – prepared by the Uniwersytet Dzieci Foundationa and BLIK

Screening: Diplodocus

Let's imagine that we - internet users are nearly 70% of all people living on the planet Earth! Thank to internet access we communicate with each other at any given time, we search for new information by choosing between an infinite number of resources. Are we then all cought in a Web? What does it mean for us? Can we be anonymous online? What trace dow e leave behind on the Internet? We'll think about the answers to these questions during our meeting! We'll invite to a code-cracking game through which you will learn how to safey browse the Internet to protect your data and care about privacy.

Still: Kleks Academy

Q and A with creators: Akademia Pana Kleksa

Screening: Kleks Academy

After the screening Q and A with the creators.

Kino Muranów
Still: Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia

Intro: Projekt Muzyka

Screening: Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia

Before the screening intro by Aleksandra Korpak and Jan Korpak - musicians and pedagogues from the Projekt Muzyka group with their daughter Maja Korpak.

Still: School of Magical Animals 3

Intro: What trace do we leave on the Internet – prepared by the Uniwersytet Dzieci Foundationa and BLIK

Screening: School of Magical Animals 3

Let's imagine that we - internet users are nearly 70% of all people living on the planet Earth! Thank to internet access we communicate with each other at any given time, we search for new information by choosing between an infinite number of resources. Are we then all cought in a Web? What does it mean for us? Can we be anonymous online? What trace dow e leave behind on the Internet? We'll think about the answers to these questions during our meeting! We'll invite to a code-cracking game through which you will learn how to safey browse the Internet to protect your data and care about privacy.

Still: Diplodocus

Diplodocus premiere

Screening: Diplodocus

We invite you to a Grand Premiere

Still: Diplodocus

Diplodocus premiere

Screening: Diplodocus

We invite you to a Grand Premiere

Thursday 03 October 2024
Still: Dancing Queen

Intro and discussion: Joanna Szulc, MŁODE GŁOWY project expert

Screening: Dancing Queen

Before the screening intro and after it a discussion with Joanna Szulc, psychologist, journalist, editor and expert of the MŁODE GŁOWY project.

Kino Muranów
Still: Jippie No More!

Intro and discussion: Justyna Lipko-Konieczna and Aleksandra Skotarek

Screening: Jippie No More!

Before the screening intro and after it a discussion with Justyna Lipko-Konieczna, Centrum Sztuki Włączającej / Teatru 21 program director and Aleksandra Skotarek Teatr 21 actress.

Still: Reksio – set

Q and A with a creator: Agata Romaniuk

Screening: Reksio – set

Watch the cartoons with Reksio found by Kocia Szajka and listen to detective secrets. Agata Romaniuk, the author of Kocia Szajka i tajemnica zaginionych bajek will tell you all about it. Partner of the Q and A is Agora dla dzieci publishing house.

Still: New Horizons: A New Kind of Wilderness

Rozmowa Newsweek Psychologia Nastolatka: Aleksander Drzewiecki

Screening: New Horizons: A New Kind of Wilderness

After the screening discussion with Aleksander Drzewieckim, Newsweek Psychologia expert, co-founder of - support and education platform for parents of adolescent kids and teens. He's also and educator, Chairman of the Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę Foundation, author of Moje kochane, nastoletnie dziecko.

Moderator: Przemysław Bollin, journalist, Newsweek Psychologia and Newsweek collaborator.

Friday 04 October 2024
Still: JerryMaya’s Detective Agency – The Lost Mascot

Q and A with creators: Tina Mackic, Elma Säterhagen-Lekander i Mariem Mustafa

Screening: JerryMaya’s Detective Agency – The Lost Mascot

After the screening Q and A with creators: Tina Mackic (director) and actors: Elma Säterhagen-Lekander and Mariem Mustafa.

Still: Nowe Horyzonty: Jak zostałam perliczką

Discussion with Newsweek Psychologia Nastolatka: Joanna Flis

Screening: Nowe Horyzonty: Jak zostałam perliczką

After the screening discussion with Joanna Flis, Newsweek Psychologia expert, psychologist, pedagogue, therapist, Madame Monday podcast author and an author of books: Współuzależnieni, Co ze mną nie tak? oraz Madame Monday – po dorosłemu.

Meeting moderator: Iwona Zabielska, Newsweek Psychologia editor-in-chief.

Saturday 05 October 2024
Kino Muranów
Still: Katak, the Brave Beluga

Sensory Friendly Screenings

Screening: Katak, the Brave Beluga

Screenings for those who don't like too much noise, have trouble sitting motionless or are visually sensitive and don't feel comfortable in big, dark cinema screening rooms.

Still: The Treflix: Christmas Special

Q and A with creators: The Treflix: Christmas Special

Screening: The Treflix: Christmas Special

After the screening Q and A with the creators.


Festival gadgets – creative workshops

11:45 am - 3 pm, Kinoteka


A keychain, a magnet or a necklace? What festival gadget will you create using markers and coloured foil? We invite you to the creative workshop for all children over 4 yo and accompanying adults.

Concept and presentation: Mr Szymon and a team of educators.

Free entry!

Kino Muranów
Still: JerryMaya’s Detective Agency – The Lost Mascot

Q and A with creators: Tina Mackic, Elma Säterhagen-Lekander i Mariem Mustafa

Screening: JerryMaya’s Detective Agency – The Lost Mascot

After the screening Q and A with creators: Tina Mackic (director) and actors: Elma Säterhagen-Lekander and Mariem Mustafa.

Kino Muranów
Still: Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs

Screening with audiodescription

Screening: Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs

Screening available to the blind and visually impaired viewers.

Kino Muranów
Still: Jippie No More!

Q and A with creator: Margien Rogaar

Screening: Jippie No More!

After the screening a Q and A with the creator: Margien Rogaar (director)

Still: Sherlock Jr.

Award Ceremony and screening with live music

Screening: Sherlock Jr.

Screening with live music performed by Natalia Czekała and Krzysztof Guzewicz. The screening will be preceded by an Awards Ceremony which will take about 30 minutes.

Kino Muranów
Still: Last Swim

Intro and discussion: Justyna Żukowska-Gołębiewska, MŁODE GŁOWY project expert

Screening: Last Swim

Before the screening an intro and after a discussion with Justyna Żukowska-Gołębiewska, psychologist and MŁODE GŁOWY. Otwarcie o zdrowiu psychicznym project expert.

Sunday 06 October 2024
Kino Muranów
Still: Kina & Yuk

Intro: Aneta Chmielińska

Screening: Kina & Yuk

Before the screening intro by Aneta Chmielińska, forest pedagogue and Dzikoprzygody podcast creator.

Still: Stinky Dog – set

Improvised play for children performed by Nikt Nic Nie Wie

Screening: Stinky Dog – set

After the screening we invite you to an improvised play performed by Nikt Nic Nie Wie group. The improvisers will create fairytales inspired by the film, right in front of your eyes. The audience will have an influence on how the story will go and what characters will appear. What's most fun in the stories performed and imagined live is that everyone can be a creator and every idea is good enough!

Still: JerryMaya’s Detective Agency – The Lost Mascot

Q and A with creators: Tina Mackic, Elma Säterhagen-Lekander i Mariem Mustafa

Screening: JerryMaya’s Detective Agency – The Lost Mascot

After the screening Q and A with creators: Tina Mackic (director) and actors: Elma Säterhagen-Lekander and Mariem Mustafa.


How to create a strong password? - family workshops created by Uniwersytet Dzieci Foundation and BLIK

11:00 am–4 pm, Kinoteka

These days on our electronical devices we keep information to which access should be limited. That is why creators of systems and devices make us protect our data with a password which is as strong as possible. What does it mean though? We invite families to a game thank to which they'll understand what's a difference between a strong and a weak password. The activities will be an opportunity for independent play, to draw conclussions and ultimately the rules of safe password creation.

Free entry!

Kino Muranów

Festival animation with Norwegian Fjords in the background – creative workshops

11:15 am–1 pm, Kino Muranów

Cutouts, crayons and markers will help you create characters and props which we'll make move so that they can perform in festival animations. The effect will be shown on the screen! We invite to the creative workshops all children above the age of 4 and accompanying adults.

Concept and showcase: Mr Szymon and educators team

Free entry!

Kino Muranów
Still: Who Are You, Mamma Moo?

Sensory Friendly Screenings

Screening: Who Are You, Mamma Moo?

Screenings for those who don't like too much noise, have trouble sitting motionless or are visually sensitive and don't feel comfortable in big, dark cinema screening rooms.


Workshops with Fenek Studio

1:30 pm–2:30 pm, Kinoteka

We invite you to ceramics workshops which will open the doors to the world of imaginations for all kids! Under the watchful eye of the ceramicists from the Fenek Studio, kids will have the opportunity to create figurines of characters that they come up with. You'll be able to search for inspiration in the short story that will accompany the workshops, specifically created key-words and favourite festival films. The attendees will be using a self-hardening material as well as allready made porcelain elements to create their vision. It is not only great fun but also developing your manual skills and a special hand-made souvenir to take home with you! Workshops for all kids over the age of 6.

Be warned. Spots are limited.

Sign up here


Still: Kitty Kotty at the Kindergarten – set

Q and A with creators: Kitty Kotty at the Kindergarten

Screening: Kitty Kotty at the Kindergarten – set

After the screening Q and A with the creators.

Still: Jippie No More!

Q and A with creator: Margien Rogaar

Screening: Jippie No More!

After the screening a Q and A with the creator: Margien Rogaar (director)

Still: Sisterhood

Intro and discussion: Miri Palak – SexedPL expert

Screening: Sisterhood

Intro before the screening and discussion after it with Miri Palak - sexologist, sexual educator, SexedPL expert

Still: The Boy and the Heron

Intro: Karol Szafraniec – author of the Audio/Wizualny podcast

Screening: The Boy and the Heron

Before the screening we invite you to an intro by Karol Szafraniec - film expert, culture expert and author of the Audio/Wizualny podcast.

Young Horizons vod!

Young Horizons at home! A unique offer for young audiences on the Young Horizons VOD platform.

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