

dir. Bragi Þór Hinriksson
Iceland 2021 / 85’
Polish voiceover

Birta, 11, and her younger sister Kata spend a lot of time alone. Their mum works hard in the hospital and comes home late. In spite of this, the family barely makes ends meet. Can Birta figure out a way to help her mum?

Birta trains handball – her old gym shoes are completely worn out and her mum hasn't paid for her next month of training. To make matters worse, Birta overhears her mother's conversation by accident, where she says she can't afford to throw a Christmas party this year. To help her mum and save the family holiday, Birta chooses to take matters into her own hands and raise the money. She gets help from her younger sister, her best friend, kind neighbours and strangers. Although things won't go smoothly, this resolute young girl will discover that kindness always comes back, and that the most important thing is to selflessly share it.

Did you know that…

in Iceland, Christmas looks a bit different than in Poland? Icelandic children are given presents not by just one, but as many as thirteen Santas!


Bragi Þór Hinriksson
Helga Arnardóttir
Ívar Kristján Ívarsson
Stefanía Thors
Kristján Sturla Bjarnason
Main cast
Kristín Erla Pétursdóttir, Margrét Júlía Reynisdóttir, Salka Sól Eyfeld
Valdimar Kúld
H.M.S. Productions
Islandic Film Centre
Original language
Icelandic, Vietnamese

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