The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store
Hokkyoku Hyakkaten no Concierge San
Japan 2023 / 70’

A majority of the customers at Hokkyoku Department Store are animals. And for the store owners, customers are always right. Akino is a young girl who finds her first job at Hokkyoku. Will she be able to fulfil her customers’ unusual requests?
The Hokkyoku Department Store is a unique and luxurious shopping establishment. Its customers are animals of various kinds, including representatives of species that have been long extinct, such as the laughing owl, the sea mink, or the Japanese wolf. Akino is an empathetic girl, always eager to work. She does her best to satisfy even the most complicated and seemingly impossible wishes of her animal customers. She acquires rare objects for them or counsels them in the matters of the heart. Although she has good intentions, she tends to drop an occasional brick. Will she keep her job when all her steps are carefully watched by her harsh managers?
#endangered species #fulfilling your dreams #empathy
Did you know…?
The film is based on a manga created by Tsuchika Nishimura. Manga is a type of comic book originating from Japan, with a characteristic drawing style.
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