Ella Bella Bingo

Elleville Elfrid

dir. Frank Mosvold, Atle Solberg Blakseth
Norway 2020 / 75’
Polish dubbing

Ella and Henry are inseparable playmates. One day, when a new neighbour turns up in the area, everything changes… And the protagonists find out that true friendship is not an easy thing.

Ella is a spunky 5-year-old who has endless energy and who infects everyone around her with her creative ideas. When she decides to organise a local talent contest, she finds plenty of volunteers and wants to perform magic tricks in a duet with her best friend Henry. Unluckily for her, Johnny moves into town with lots of gadgets, including a fancy bicycle, so he immediately sparks the interest of the other children. Rather than playing and training with Ella, Henry spends more and more time with his new pal. In the end, they get into their first argument, although they have never argued before. Will Ella and Henry's friendship survive?

Did you know that…

the inspiration for the film came from the animated series of the same title, originally broadcast in Norway, and then screened in more than 20 countries worldwide?


Frank Mosvold, Atle Solberg Blakseth
Frank Mosvold, Johnny Smith, Rob Sprackling
Frank Mosvold
Marius Christiansen
Torgeir Sanders
Kool Production AS, Gimpville AS
Polish distributor
New Horizons Association

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