How to Steal a Dog

Gaeleul hoomchineun wanbyeokhan bangbeob

dir. Sung-ho Kim
South Korea 2014 / 109’
7-10 Play

Their house is gone, their family pizzeria went bankrupt, and her father disappeared – the life of ten-year-old Ji-so is not a bed of roses.

As if that were not enough, she has to live with her mum and her younger brother Ji-suk in a small van. Hush! No one needs to know about this. Only Chae-rang, Ji-so’s school friend has been let in about that. It’s Ji-so’s birthday in a month – she’s planning a huge party for her entire class. At home. So, there’s no other option: she needs to buy a house, immediately. She’s heard that 500 dollars should be enough. But how is she going to get that money?

#family #class differences #adventure


Sung-ho Kim
Sung-ho Kim, Yeon-Shick Shin
Hyeong-ju Kim
Jin Lee
Min-kuk Kang
Main cast
Hye-ja Kim, Hye-jeong Kang, Re Lee, Min-su Choi, Eun-taek Hong, Ji-won Lee
Original language

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