Pettson & Findus: Fun Stuff

Pettersson und Findus – Kleiner Quälgeist, große Freundschaft

dir. Ali Samadi Ahadi
Germany 2014 / 89’
Polish voiceover

Pettson and Findus are back… to their origins! Can a talking cat wearing green dungarees make friends with a human being? And how did it all begin? Frisky Findus finds himself in the care of quiet Pettson and turns his peaceful life upside down.

The friendly Pettson lives in a wooden cottage in the Scandinavian countryside. His slightly lonely days are filled with daily activities: fishing, tending to his animals, and caring for his home. However, his rather mundane life is about to change. The unruly Findus – a spunky talking cat in green dungarees – arrives under his roof! The rowdy tomcat turns Pettson's life upside down, and his every day is now filled with hustle and bustle, laughter, and adventures. Findus' follies are quite a challenge for the calm Pettson. The sudden change and the cat's antics put their friendship to the test. Can such different characters get along?

The cat and his keeper come from Sven Nordqvist's well-known and well-loved books


Ali Samadi Ahadi

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