The Pinchers’ High Voltage Heist

Knyckertz and Snutjakten

dir. Leif Lindblom
Sweden 2023 / 91’

The Pincher family just can’t stop stealing. Only young Ture is against that. The boy is elated when his family is forced to quit their bad habits after an unsuccessful robbery. But are they really being honest with him?

Ture Pincher is not like the rest of his family: instead of stealing, he’d rather obey the rules and only do what’s legal. He’s always been against his family business so he’s quite satisfied when they have to start living an honest life after a failed heist. Now, the Pinchers simply buy things like regular people, and they make no trouble. This doesn’t last long, though. One day, Ture begins to suspect that the dog they have taken in recently is actually stolen. Besides, he’s being followed by some strange twins. What’s all that about? Is his family planning another heist? The Pinchers’ High Voltage Heist is a hilarious film, loaded with adrenaline and jaw-dropping plot twists.

#family #secret #justice

Did you know…?

The film is an adaptation of a book of the same title. It was written by a Swedish writer, Anders Sparring, the author of the whole book series about the Pincher family, which consists of five books already.


Leif Lindblom
Anders Sparring
Olof Johnson
Johan Serrander
Jimmy Lagnefors
Main cast
Nina Zanjani, Anna Björk, Johan Hedenberg, Claes Malmberg, Gunnel Fred, Vanna Rosenberg, Elisabeth Wernesjö, David Sundin, Robert Bengtsson
Linus Torell, Frida Wallman
Unlimited Stories
Beta Film
Original language

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