Villads! Villads? Villads!? The 6-year-old keeps hearing his name. His parents constantly want something from him. They make rules and cut off play at the perfect moment. Is it going to be like this at school, too?
Adults and their rules! It’s impossible to memorise them all, let alone understand them. And even though Villads tries his best, he doesn't always manage to follow the rules. It's not his fault that there are so many things to do all around him. Everything is far more exciting than sitting in a classroom. And why would you sit when you could be doing something more fun? Can the first grade be fun at all? Is it possible to like school? Not only Villads but also the serious adults must try and do their best to make it that way.
In the eyes of the festival programmer…
A school full of great adventures or surprising rules? But what if you didn't have to choose? Villads is a unique film, especially for first-graders and the grown-ups keeping their fingers crossed for them.
Kamila Tomkiel-Skowrońska
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