Rules and Regulations

fot. Wojciech Chrubasik

Rules and Regulations of the 10th Young Horizons International Film Festival

§ 1
General Provisions

  1. These Rules and Regulations concern the 10th Young Horizons International Film Festival (henceforth: “Festival”) that will take place between 30 September and 8 October 2023 in selected cinemas in Warsaw, Wrocław, Poznań, Kraków, Gliwice, Gdańsk, Częstochowa, Konin, Opole, Toruń, Słupsk, Białystok, Gdynia, Szczecin, Lublin, Jarocin, Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Płock, and Zduńska Wola, Poland, and between 12 and 29 October 2023 in an online form on the website at the address.
  2.  The organiser of the Festival is Stowarzyszenie Nowe Horyzonty (Nowe Horyzonty Association) with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Ludwika Zamenhofa 1, 00-153 Warsaw, Poland, tax ID (NIP): 525-22-71-014, business registry number (REGON): 01550390400000, entered into the register of associations, other social and professional organisations, foundations and public healthcare institutions, and into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Economic Division of the National Court Register (KRS) under the number 0000162000 (henceforth: “Organiser”).
  3. The goal of the Festival is the presentation and promotion of high-quality films for young viewers aged 4–16. The target audience of the Festival comprises parents and carers with children as well as organised groups from schools and kindergartens.
  4. The Festival is financed from the funds of the Polish Film Institute, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, City Hall of Warsaw, Creative Europe MEDIA, Norwegian Funds and EEA (European Economic Area) Funds from Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein, the Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy, and Early Stage.
  5. The Festival is accompanied by the Young Horizons Industry event for the film industry representatives, which will be carried out in a hybrid form.
  6. Detailed information about the Festival program, locations in particular cities (the list of cinemas with their addresses), and the organisation of the Festival in an online form will be published by the Organiser at
  7. These Rules and Regulations are provided free of charge at in a form that can be downloaded, preserved, and printed as well as in a printed form in the box offices of the cinemas participating in the Festival.
  8. During the Festival and accompanying events, including the Young Horizons Industry, the Organiser can take photographs and record video materials to register the course of the Festival and accompanying events. By participating in the Festival and the accompanying events, the Participant consents to the dissemination of photographs and video recordings (made as per the previous sentence) with the Participant’s image on the Organiser’s and partners’ websites, social media accounts (in the form of reels or stories) and on the partners’ social media accounts, in the Organiser’s and partners’ newsletter, in press releases sent to the media and other film industry representatives, and any other informational and promotional materials and publications in order to inform about the Festival and accompanying events and to promote the Organiser’s activities.
  9. The Participant’s image recorded in accordance with Section 8 above will be processed by the Organiser as a personal data controller under Art. 6.1.f of the GDPR to perform the Organiser’s legitimate interest of presenting photographs or video recordings on the Organiser’s websites, social media accounts and the newsletter, and any other materials or publications that show the Festival and accompanying events. The Participant’s image can be further processed by design studios, advertising agencies cooperating with the Organiser, printing houses, IT companies, or other partners working with the Organiser. The Participant’s image can be also placed on the Organiser’s social media accounts, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and newsletter. The Participant has the right to:
    a. request the Organiser to gain access to the Participant’s personal data, to its rectification, deletion, or limitation of processing;
    b. object – for the reasons of the Participant’s special situation – to the data processing by the Organiser;
    c. lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, in connection with the processing of the Participant’s personal data by the Organiser.
  10. The Participant can contact the Organiser in writing with regard to data processing on the Organiser’s registered office or via email at

§ 2a
Rules for Admission to the Festival in the Offline Form

  1. Only persons with a valid ticket for a given film screening may enter the Festival area in the offline form. The number of seats for a given film screening under the Festival is limited.
  2. The tickets for film screenings under the Festival are sold only in the box offices of the cinemas participating in the Festival. The list of the cinemas can be found at Each cinema sells tickets only for the screenings carried out in this particular cinema. Individual cinemas participating in the Festival can sell tickets for the Festival film screenings through their respective websites. The ticket purchases through the websites of the cinemas participating in the Festival are governed by the terms and conditions of the respective cinemas. The buyer should read those terms and conditions prior to buying the tickets.
  3. The seats for the Festival film screenings are not numbered.
  4. Minors (persons below 18 years of age) can participate in the Festival with the consent and under the supervision of an adult.
  5. Within the Festival, it is strictly forbidden to film or record the films screened during the Festival in any way.
  6. The participants in Festival film screenings must turn off their mobile phones and other light- or sound-emitting devices for the duration of the screening.
  7. The buyer and the participant should read and understand these Rules and Regulations before buying the ticket for the Festival. The purchase of a ticket for the on-site Festival means the acceptance of the Rules and Regulations.

§ 2b
Rules of Online Participation in the Festival

  1. The films screened during the Festival are accessible at
  2. The access to a film at requires a user account at The terms and conditions for the user account at are set out in the terms and conditions of the website.
  3. The access to the films screened at during the Festival is charged: it is possible to purchase a one-off access or a pass. Detailed information about available passes and access prices can be found at
  4. The screening of the films during the Festival under the gained access or pass is allowed only on one device simultaneously and only from the territory of Poland. The service of screening of films during the Festival is governed by the VOD terms and conditions on the website.
  5. Read and understand these Rules and Regulations before gaining access to the films screened at
  6. Minors (persons below 18 years of age) can use the service of online film screening with the consent and under the supervision of an adult.

§ 3

  1. The Festival programme includes the following sections:
    a. The Main Competition that covers 10 films produced in 2022–2023, targeted at viewers aged 4–16. The Main Competition presents animated and live-action feature films.
    b. The Discoveries Competition that covers 6 selected films produced in 2022–2023, showing the genre and stylistic variety of films for young viewers.
    c. The Documentary Competition that covers 10 full-length and short documentaries produced in 2022–2023 and targeted at young viewers.
    Thematic sections that are not part of competitions.

§ 4
Jury and Awards

  1. During the festival, 7 intangible honorary awards will be presented: the title of “The Best Film” in the following categories:
    a. Main Competition Jury Award
    b. Discoveries Competition Jury Award
    c. Discoveries Competition Young Jury Award
    d. Documentary Competition Jury Award
    e. Audience Award
    f. European Children’s Film Association ECFA Jury Award
    g. Film Educator Team (ZEF) Award
  2. The Main Competition Jury Award is granted by a jury composed of creators, journalists, and cultural educators invited to the Festival by the Organiser. The jury makes the decision in open voting with a simple majority of votes. The voting is based on a list of films chosen by the Organiser.
  3. The Discoveries Competition Jury Award is granted by a jury composed of directors, creators, illustrators, and artists from various fields of arts and culture, invited to the Festival by the Organiser. The jury makes the decision in open voting with a simple majority of votes. The voting is based on a list of films chosen by the Organiser.
  4. The Discoveries Competition Young Jury Award is granted by a jury chosen by the Organiser. The jury makes the decision in open voting with a simple majority of votes. The voting is based on a list of films chosen by the Organiser.
  5. The Documentary Competition Jury Award is granted by a jury composed of directors, creators, teachers, educators, illustrators, and artists from various fields of arts and culture, invited to the Festival by the Organiser. The jury makes the decision in open voting with a simple majority of votes. The voting is based on a list of films chosen by the Organiser.
  6. The European Children’s Film Association ECFA Jury Award is granted by a jury composed of the ECFA representatives invited to the Festival by the Organiser. The jury makes the decision in open voting with a simple majority of votes. The voting is based on a list of films chosen by the Organiser.
  7. The Film Educator Team (ZEF) Award is granted by a jury composed of ZEF representatives invited to the Festival by the Organiser. The jury makes the decision in open voting with a simple majority of votes. The voting is based on a list of films chosen by the Organiser.
  8. Each juror can vote only for one film. If two or more films receive the same number of votes, the jury chairperson has the deciding vote. The jury chairperson is elected from the jury members before they proceed to the voting.
  9. The jury’s decision on granting the award is a final decision against which there is no appeal.
  10. The Audience Award is granted by the Festival audience from two festival cities (young viewers in Warsaw and Wrocław). The audience votes for a given film with voting cards, which are handed out in front of the cinema room. The Audience Award is granted to the film that receives the highest rating on the basis of the average calculated from the audience vote. The Audience Award is granted to the film from the Main Competition section.
  11. The Organiser reserves the right to grant additional awards or honourable mentions.
  12. The winner list will be announced on the award gala and on the Organiser’s website ( The place and date of the award gala will be separately announced by the Organiser.

§ 5
ZAiKS Award for the Best Polish Film for Young Audiences

  1. During the Festival, the ZAiKS Award for the best Polish film for young audiences will be presented.
  2. The award is granted by the jury composed of Agnieszka Dziedzic, Piotr Szczepanowicz, and Marek Piestrak. The jury makes the decision in open voting with a simple majority of votes. The voting is based on a list of films chosen by the Organiser.
  3. Each juror can vote only for one film. If two or more films receive the same number of votes, the jury chairperson has the deciding vote. The jury chairperson is elected from the jury members before they proceed to the voting.
  4. The jury’s decision on granting the award is a final decision against which there is no appeal.
  5. The winner will receive an award of PLN 20,000.
  6. The winner list will be announced on the award gala and on the Organiser’s website ( The place and date of the award gala will be separately announced by the Organiser.

§ 6
Festival Guests

The Organiser will invite filmmakers, press representatives, distributors, producers as well as persons associated with audiovisual art created for young audiences.

§ 7
Final Provisions

  1. The Organiser informs that if circumstances arise that require the Festival cancellation (especially due to safety concerns), the Organiser will communicate this fact to the Festival Participants by posting an announcement on the website and placing an announcement in the cinemas participating in the Festival.
  2. The Organiser reserves the right to change the Festival programme.
  3. Section 7.1 applies adequately to situations which require changing the starting date or time of the Festival or its venues, or changing the artistic programme.
  4. The Organiser informs that during the Festival (on the Festival premises, during the events taking place under the Festival programme), photo or video recording can be carried out primarily for information or artistic purposes.
  5. Apart from these Rules and Regulations, in the cinemas where the Festival takes place, the terms and conditions of those cinemas apply as well. The Festival Participants are obliged to obey those terms and conditions.
  6. These Rules and Regulations enter into force on 7 September 2023.
  7. The awards in the competitions are taxable under Art. 13.2 of the Act of 26 July 1991 on the Personal Income Tax (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2647, as amended) from the participation in competitions in science, culture, art, and journalism. The awards will be payable after the deduction of the 18% tax advance payment, including the tax deductible cost of 20%.


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